Building Respect

Healthy Relationships for Young People

Australia represents a rich tapestry of cultures, each with its own norms, values, and attitudes towards relationships and consent. Our training program acknowledges this diversity and adopts a culturally sensitive approach to address these differences. By embracing cultural diversity, we creat an inclusive environment where students feel valued and respected, irrespective of their backgrounds.

This program aims to educate and empower young people to navigate interpersonal relationships respectfully, whilst adhering to Australian laws and cultural sensitivities.

Central to our training is the principle of education over shaming. We recognise that cultural differences may lead to varying understandings of relationship boundaries and consent. Therefore, our approach is focused on providing information, fostering open dialogue, and encouraging critical thinking rather than resorting to judgment or condemnation.

Through interactive discussions, students learn about the nuances of consent, including the role of communication, mutual agreement, and the ability to withdraw consent. Beyond consent, our training emphasises the importance of fostering healthy, respectful relationships built on trust, communication, and mutual understanding.

Participants learn to recognise signs of unhealthy dynamics, and gain skills to maintain positive relationships.


Types of Violence - A thorough breakdown of the types of violence that can affect relationships including:

Emotional - Physical - Sexual - Psychological

Types of Self Preservation and Protection

Consent Matters

Healthy Relationship vs Unhealthy Relationship

Peer Pressure

Australian Law in Domestic and Family Violence

Reporting of DV, FV, and Sexual Violence

This program can be delivered in schools, safe houses, shelters, youth facilities, both local and remote locations